Elite estate planning lawyers know everything about securing a family’s wealth and legacy…

What about you? Can Your Estate Planning Law business leave a legacy for YOUR family?

Is your income secure?

Can you know, with certainty, that new clients will come flooding in month after month?

Or are you like most estate planning lawyers that are struggling to get any ‘real’ traction?

Maybe you’ve just decided that this is the reality of this business…

That clients come in one’s and two’s, here and there. That it’s unpredictable…

Maybe you’ve tried some Google Ads™… Mailers… Seminars…

Possibly joined a ‘mastermind’ only to be told to network some more…

You’ve posted your services on your personal social media pages.

You have a nice website…

But still, month in and month out, the flow of clients and referrals simply doesn’t ‘flow.’

Maybe you’re forced to network locally… Begging for ‘leads’…


How much would it change your business if you got new clients every day?

I’m betting it would change your entire life.

But – getting new clients sure seems harder than the gurus and estate planning group experts make it sound, right? …

So, what gives?

Traditional advertising is hard... with limited targets and options which EVERYBODY is using...

Then when you do get a prospect on the hook, your conversion process is so complex - often requiring multiple visits to your office, phone calls, consults, Q&A sessions, and a steady stream of emails back and forth…

BEFORE you even get to any sales…

And if you happen to be one of the guys who doesn't love self-promotion, then you just get the scraps at best - even if you are a better estate planning lawyer than the smooth-talking dude in the next building over...

Your business is on shaky ground: only one traffic source, one conversion process (that everybody is using), and a shrinking opportunity by the very nature of the system you are in…

And that is if you ever get it working profitably in the first place.

If that resonates with you at all... then you will be happy to hear that I have discovered a way to get high ticket revocable trust estate planning clients…

And I can prove it – I have the receipts!

As a matter of fact, in the last 12 months I signed up 183 new revocable trust clients using this exact method.

You’ll meet my business partner - Martin (the guy that developed this systematic marketing sorcery).

We've decided to partner together to unleash this system we’ve developed together for estate planning lawyers just like you.

This system does not use networking, cold calling, feeding the masses hoping to make a sale at a free seminar, expensive mailers - in fact not anything like that – it’s much simpler…

This is a “Blue Ocean” Strategy which means that it is a completely new way of doing things…

I don’t know of ANY of the usual suspects in the Legal Estate Planning space that are using this method - let alone teaching it. You can still get in early while there is virtually NO COMPETITION.

This is not a hack or trick that will get closed before you get going - this is a whole new way of getting estate planning clients. Nobody else is doing this.

I’m not going to BS you, there is some setup involved (way easier than what you are probably doing now) and it takes some strategy (which is what makes it work) but once you get it going – it’s much easier to maintain and way more scalable.

Because there is a complex ‘technical’ side that would stop most lawyers ever starting this system…

I figured that’d we’d just teach you how to set it up for yourself.

Our exact step by step process that guarantees a flow of new estate planning clients that pay top dollar for your services.

By the way, if your current system is working for you - GREAT! This will not diminish or take away from that in any way - it will actually diversify and increase your lead generation and make your business that much more stable and valuable…

So that’s a big win if you are in that position.

But even if you are brand new to estate planning, this will propel you out of the gates at scale…

Truthfully it could be more estate planning work than you could handle…

So - here’s what my partner and I are going to do:

We’re going to teach this high-ticket estate planning client getting system (we call it “The EP Sales System”) to a small group of lawyers for 2 intensive days of training and help you set up the System for your own firm.

This is the first time we’ve ever taught anyone this. I’ve used it exclusively for the last 3 years for my estate planning business.

So, this is not some trick or something - this is legit. A new thing.

We will walk you through setting up the whole process, soup to nuts, for your business.

I am not going to make you sit through some 3-hour webinar so that I can “warm you up” and then pitch you on a sales call… Sorry, I meant Strategy Call.

Likewise, this is not some estate planning course where you’d have to watch 100 hours of videos trying to build a system that most people in the group are complaining that it doesn’t work anyway.

If this has resonated with you then you are about to know what to do. If not, then cool - we don’t have to waste each other’s time.

What I’m offering is a system that’s totally proven with over 183 sales for my estate planning law firm…

And my average engagement? Over Fifty-Five hundred bucks!

I’ve been quietly and steadily cranking out 100K months, then Martin convinced me that we should ‘roll’ this out to a very select hand-picked group of estate planning lawyers to implement and run in their own business…

You see – I can only serve clients where I’m licensed… and I don't plan on slowing down…

But the USA is big!

Quite simply – we will not be in competition.

So, this is an opportunity for you to implement this bulletproof and proven system…

EXACTLY what I’m doing right now…

If you DO want to learn more about this then it is very simple. At the end of this ad, there is a link to a web form.

Fill out the form. Tell me about you and your business. And the three of us will get on the phone.

Last thing, once you fill out the form, I will send you a link to a video that proves that all that I have said is real, that explains the system from 30k feet and gives you an idea of what we will talk about.

The video will also cover your questions - like:

---If this is so good, why would you ever teach it?

---Can this work for me?

---I’m not technical – can it still work for me?

Stuff like that - you know, the questions I would probably want to ask myself if I was in your shoes reading this ad that seemed too good to be true...

If, however, the video excites you about the possibilities then we will get on a call in the next couple days and see if it's a good fit.

If all this makes sense to you… then just fill in the form, tell me about your estate planning business and let’s talk.